How to use self hypnosis to relieve stress
Things You'll Need
- Index cards
- Pen
- Candles (optional)
Decide if you will make your own affirmation or if you will use a self hypnosis CD. There are no right or wrong way to do this. You can make your words of power or purchase ready-made CDs to save time. If you are making your own affirmation make one for different relaxation therapies. For instance, you may want to focus on building self-confidence during your relaxation therapy. Another option would be words to enforce the ability to live and let live. Keep affirmations short and catchy so that they are easy to remember. For example: Everyday and every way I get better and better.
Set the mood in the room. If you wish to light candles do so, but be careful to rest the candles on a surface that will accept hot wax. If you need more light to read your affirmation until you learn them by heart, use a reading lamp.
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. This can be on your bed, on a yoga mat on the floor, or in a reclining chair.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, slowly, 19 times or for as long as you need until you reach a level of relaxation. Once you feel relaxed move on to the next step.
Recite your affirmation in a low tone out loud. Try to create a rhythm to bring about a chant. This will also act as a way to relax and to enforce the words that you are chanting. Once you say your affirmation enough times to remember it you will begin this step as a chant without the need to look at the index card.
Stay in this position and continue to chant your affirmation as long as your schedule allows. If done during a quick lunch break, this relaxing self-hypnosis can recharge your day. If performed at bed time, self-hypnosis can be performed as long as you would like.