How to Make Your Own Vision Cards
"All successful people use the power of visualization to reach their goals," according to Mayland Community College. Think about it. When you close your eyes and focus on a particular thought, it comes to you in images, rather than words. The more you visualize yourself accomplishing a specific goal, the more realistic it becomes, which makes you motivated to achieve it. Creating your own vision cards provides you with visual reminders of your hopes and dreams. On the surface, some vision cards look like mini collages, but there is no right or wrong way to make them.Things You'll Need
- Index cards
- Glue
- Scissors
- Pen
- Pictures (from magazines, photographs, old postcards and other sources)
- Craft material (stamps, scraps of paper, cutouts and other materials)
Write down all of your ideas that you have for your vision cards. Brainstorm about what goals you would like to accomplish. Make specific goals, such as buying a new house or reading a book every month, and general ones, like becoming more open-minded or spontaneous. Other vision card ideas include qualities you like about yourself, happy places or times you remember and the realization of your deepest values.
Organize your ideas. Circle the goals and qualities that are most important now. Do not make too many vision cards in the beginning because it is impossible to accomplish everything at once. Save your notes; you can add new cards to the deck later.
Make vision cards for each of your most important goals. Use photographs, pictures from magazines, old postcards and other sources that are related to the objective, but only choose images that are symbolic to you. You do not have to complete the card in one sitting. Paste pictures to the index card as you find them. Form a collage, add accessories like stamps or ribbon, draw, paint, add keyword cutouts, or do your own personal design.
Write positive statements on the back of each card. This may be specific steps you will take to complete a goal or phrases that remind you to believe in yourself.
Place your stack of vision cards in a place you spend time every day. Better yet, keep them in your purse or day bag. Every day, view at least one vision card. Close your eyes and imagine the vision becoming a reality. Employ all of your senses. Do not rush this process. Refer to this visualization throughout the day.