How to disconnect from Conscious Reality
So how do we deliberately disconnect from conscious reality and why would we want to do so?
Most of the reasons (and those that will be explained in this article) we want to disconnect are positive, life-enhancing reasons. The negative reasons we disconnect consciously are usually because of excessive drug use, we're inebriated, heavily medicated, or mentally unstable. These are all roads that we really don't want to go down and should try to avoid at all cost.
Follow the steps in this article to find out how to deliberately disconnect from conscious reality, thus enhancing your overall life.
The mind is the center of our individual secular and ethereal universe, therefore it's important that we take care of it. We must nurture and build our minds through reading and positive interaction with others. Just like we train the body through exercise we must also train our minds. Read as much as you can to strengthen the mind. When you're in the bathroom you should always be reading or writing. There is no reason not to, because otherwise you're simply staring at the walls.
Take a walk in nature to clear the mind. Don't worry about the distance you're walking, just walk and breathe. When you're at the point where you no longer realize you're walking and your mind has taken you to a distant, positive place, you have disconnected from conscious reality and are at one with the universe. This is where answers to your problems exist, in the unconscious world. Your ever-watchful and protective spirit will keep any mishaps away so don't worry about outer distractions. Use common sense however, you don't want to be walking in the woods at night, or through any other potentially dangerous area.
Do something that you really enjoy doing. Gardening and horticulture are things that this author likes to do. While in the midst of planting a flower or pruning this puts me in a special place, a place that takes me away from conscious reality. Hours go by and the time is not realized because you're in somewhat of a "zone." Athletes experience the zone often. Michael Jordan, in all his greatness on the court, found himself in this zone on a regular basis. This is why he excelled so much when a championship was on the line. Kobe Bryant, when he was in and out of court dealing with his legal woes a few years back, stated that when he was on the court he didn't think about his problems. He clearly showed this because he would leave a Colorado courtroom, be on the basketball court a few hours later and play like he was possessed. He was in the zone; he was disconnected from conscious reality.
Learn to meditate and speak to the Divine Presence within you. If you are able to accomplish the art of meditation, this will become the easiest and most effective way to consciously disconnect, thus allowing you to grow spiritually and mentally.