How to Brainwave Mind Voyage With Binaural Beats
Things You'll Need
- Internet
- nice comfortable chair
- you tube
- stereo headphones( work best)
- Open mind
To embark on a brainwave mind voyage you first have to figure out which one of the five brain wave frequencies you wish to enter in to. Most people who use binaural beats are trying it as an aid to deepen meditation, therefore the brainwaves that we're trying to enter into are just the following three- Alpha waves: Deep relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-awake drowsiness, Theta waves: Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep, astral projection and, Delta waves: : Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness.
Get yourself a good set of stereo headphones and a comfortable chair to relax in and go to a website that shows binaural beats videos.You can go to many websites to download these binaural beats for free, they are generally played within a matrix of other sounds or music and the affects can be really exciting if your open to the experience. Use the list of frequencies I listed above to specify what effect you're trying to elicit. Are you looking to totally relax than go for binaural beats in the delta or theta frequencies, or do you want wakeful mindfullness,than go for alpha. Make sure you're open to a brainwave mind voyage and you'll have a good trip.
Once you've chosen which video to watch and listen to just sit back and relax and the binaural beats within the audio will cause your brain to enter into the frequency being played within the audio track, They do this by playing one frequency into one ear and another frequency into the other, the difference between the two causes the brain to enter into a certain brainwave frequency. This might sound like mumbo jumbo but try it and you'll be amazed.
I generally stay on you tube when i search for binaural beats and you can get great visuals on many of these videos which can enhance their effects. Or if you prefer keep your eyes closed and meditate as deeply as possible-enjoy, it's fun and relaxing.