How to Use Self-Hypnosis for Meditation
Find and go to a quiet place with very few mental distractions where you can fully relax and focus on your self-hypnosis session. For example, you can use a bedroom, car or even a quiet outdoor spot for self-hypnosis.
Choose the positive affirmations that you'll use during your self-hypnosis for meditation before you actually begin. Positive affirmations should be specific and relate to a circumstance, problem, worry or issue that needs resolving. For example, this positive affirmation would be useful if you're worried about a new job: "I have sufficient skills, experience and the tools I need to do a great job."
Get into a comfortable position for the self-hypnosis meditation session. Possible positions include sitting crossed-legged, lying down or reclining depending on where you choose to perform the self-hypnosis.
Relax your body and calm your mind by by taking several deep breaths and imagining your whole head, neck, legs and toes relaxing from top to bottom. During this part of self-hypnosis for meditation you may need suggestions to get into a deep, meditative state. Examples are repeating relaxation suggestions to yourself such as "I am feeling totally relaxed and comfortable," or counting back from 10 to 1 imagining that you're falling into a hypnotic or relaxed state.
Repeat the prepared affirmations for self-hypnosis once you are in a completely relaxed state. While repeating the positive affirmations, imagine yourself conquering your fear or succeeding in the particular goal that you want to achieve. Continue this self-hypnosis for as long as you like, but 15 to 20 minutes is a good amount of time if you are relying on your biological clock.
Count from 1 to 10 when you are ready to end your self-hypnosis and meditation session. Using relaxation suggestions such as "I am feeling peaceful and alert" can be used to help gradually end your session.