Guided Meditation for Psychic Development
Before you begin your meditation, you will first need to prepare for the journey. Set aside 45 minutes to an hour when you know you will not be disturbed. Turn off your cell phone and any other distractions that may prevent you from focusing solely on the meditation. Prepare the room you will meditate in by dimming the lights or turning them off completely. Choose scented candles that appeal to you personally, and light them around the room. Create a space where you can relax. Choose a spot in the room such as a comfortable chair or a soft pillow on the floor as your meditation space. Avoid using a bed, as lying down can prompt your body to drift off to sleep during your exercise. Change into comfortable clothing that doesn't restrict your breathing when you are in a seated position. No need for skinny jeans during your meditation. Once you are prepared, you can sit down and begin the process.
Clearing Your Mind
Take a moment at the start of your meditation to think about the problems you are facing, the worries in your life, and the questions that you are looking to find answers for. As you think of each one of these, begin to let them go. One by one, clear your mind of the internal stimulation much as you've cleared your meditation space of physical stimulation. Keep your eyes open, and focus on the flame of a candle in the room or soft music that you have playing. As you focus your eyes, also focus your mind. While your mind begins to forget your baggage, it will begin to open itself up for an increased psychic awareness.
Begin to control your breathing by inhaling through your nose, holding for three seconds, and then exhaling through your mouth. The breaths you take should be gentle, allowing you to focus your mind on visualizing the space around you. When you have mastered your breathing, start to visualize an aura surrounding you. This represents your spirit, and as you expand your spirit, it opens up your awareness. Visualize the light caused by your spirit slowly extending outwards. As it moves, it fills the room with light. While your spirit expands, you will begin to have words and thoughts enter your mind. Remember these words, but do not dwell on them. As you continue to expand your spirit, your openness to the energy around you will be rewarded. The ideas that form in your head may answer important questions or point you in a specific direction.
Ending The Meditation
Bring your spirit back inward, and as it shrinks back into you, continue to keep your breathing steady and your mind focused on the meditation. Once you have completed the retreat of your spirit, take a moment to relax in your room before ending the exercise. Write down the words and ideas that came to you during your meditation, and apply them to the problems and questions you had. The more you perform this exercise, the more in tune you will become with your own inherent psychic abilities.