Visualization of the Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction refers to the thought process by which people bring what they think about into their lives. It can be good or bad since the Law does not differentiate between the two. It depends only on what a person concentrates and thinks about.
Positive Thought
Staying positive is incredibly important when embarking on the visualization process. Only through positive thought can a person bring positive things into his life.
Focus on Wants
When visualizing always focus on wants, never think on things that aren't needed. Because the Law of Attraction cannot differentiate between what is wanted and what is not wanted, whatever is given the most focus will manifest.
Create an Image
Create an image within your mind of whatever is wanted. Do not focus on how the desire will come true, only focus on the image itself. Picture the want as vividly as possible and think about it each day.
Enough for Everyone
Never visualize negative outcomes for other people. Someone's good luck doesn't affect what you attract in any way since there is more than enough positive to go around.
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