Guided Meditation for Sleeping
Meditation has long been praised for its effectiveness at reducing stress. Guided meditation for sleeping is a safe alternative to using over-the-counter sleeping aids. In addition to its benefits at helping one sleep, guided meditation can also help you recognize and cope with emotional stresses you may not have recognized during your day-to-day life. According to, sleep meditation can help you with all aspects of your life, including health, relationships and work.
Guided meditations for sleep are most effective when you hear them being said. A number of guided meditations for sleep can be found online (see Resources). If you are more comfortable writing your own guided meditation, feel free to do so and record yourself reading it in a relaxed, calm and serene manner into a voice recorder. You can also have a friend or family member read and record your guided meditation for sleep in the same fashion if you do not like the sound of your own voice.
Guided meditations for sleep are intended to be used when you are in a relaxed position, preferably when you're in bed or about to go to sleep. Guided meditations for sleep can be listened to on large speakers or headphones. Select whichever is more comfortable for you. Falling asleep while listening to your guided meditation is encouraged, but don't worry if you find that you need to turn off the recording in order to fall asleep completely. Once you've listened to the meditation, you should feel relaxed, peaceful and less judgmental of yourself and your situations.