Long Term Uses for Grapefruit Seed Extract
Candida Albicans
Grapefruit seed extract is recommended by many health care practitioners as treatment and prevention of candida albicans, a harmful yeast-like fungus that can grow in our intestinal tract and can penetrate other organs, such as the kidneys, lungs and heart. Long-term antibiotic use, exposure to toxins and nutritional deficiency can cause candida overgrowth, which must be treated. If you are concerned about candida, consider taking grapefruit seed extract orally in the form of liquid or pills.
Natural Antibiotic
Grapefruit seed extract is sometimes used in combination with antibiotics to treat such chronic illness as Lyme disease. Not only can it help prevent candida from long term antibiotic use, but it can also exhibit antibacterial properties to work against bacteria that cause the disease. With approval from your doctor, grapefruit seed extract can be taken internally, in the form of liquid or pills, for the duration of treatment.
Facial Cleanser
Splash your face with water. Pour two drops of liquid grape seed extract onto your finger tips and massage the substance into your skin using a circular motion. Continue massaging until you have covered your entire face with the exception of your lips and eyes (including the sensitive area under your eyes). A minor tingling sensation is normal, but if your skin feels uncomfortable, stop the application. Rinse your face with water and pat it dry with a towel.
Because grapefruit seed extract can kill germs and is safe to ingest, it is sometimes used as a natural alternative to commercially made mouthwash. Add five to seven drops of liquid grapefruit seed extract to one cup of water. Rinse your mouth and spit out the solution before or after brushing.
Vegetable Wash
Add 20 drops of liquid grape seed extract to a 32 ounce spray bottle almost filled with water. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients and spray on any fruits or vegetables you'd like to disinfect. Rinse the food before serving or cooking.