How to Take Bee Propolis
Bees prepare propolis by combining beeswax and other secretions with resins from the buds of cone-bearing trees. They use propolis to glue their hives together and protect it from bacteria and diseases. Bee propolis has several proven antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and was used medicinally as early as 350 B.C. by the Greeks and Egyptians. Available in various forms, such as raw, capsule, tablet, tincture, lozenge, cream and spray, bee propolis is increasingly used to treat specific conditions, and also consumed as a health supplement.Instructions
Apply an ointment containing three percent propolis to treat genital lesions, rheumatoid arthritic inflammation, skin outbreaks, second-degree burns and vaginal infections. Wash the affected area and gently rub the propolis-based ointment or cream at least four times a day, or until the skin heals. The anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects of propolis help the skin to heal quickly.
Consume 500 mg of bee propolis supplements in tablet or capsule form to treat common colds, ulcers and urinary tract infections. Proportionately increase the dosage to 1000 mg, based on the severity of the infection, and until the symptoms subside. If your cold is accompanied by a sore throat or cough, chew bee propolis lozenges. The antimicrobial property of the lozenges effectively treats sore throats and coughs.
Gargle with a propolis-based mouthwash if you experience mouth pain or dental problems. Rinse your mouth daily with a 10 mL solution to treat and prevent oral diseases such as plaque, tooth decay, canker sores and other mouth ulcers. The antifungal properties of propolis reduce inflammation and irritation within gum and mouth tissues.
Strengthen your immune system with bee propolis tincture. Pour approximately 20 drops of propolis tincture in a glass of milk or water. Add a teaspoon of honey or sugar. Stir it and then drink it daily before breakfast. Propolis strengthens the immune system by increasing antibody formation. It also helps your body build a resistance to diseases and stimulates cellular deterioration.