Natural Home Remedies to Calm Children
Food Holds the Key
Protein in milk can help boost calming serotonin. Tryptophan, an amino acid in protein-rich foods, affects our mood. Tryptophan allows the brain to produce serotonin. According to the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," serotonin levels in the brain play a large part in managing the stress hormone cortisol. These substances all play their roles in variations of mood and coping abilities. The caveat is that protein-rich foods, though the source of tryptophan, can reduce the ability of the brain to absorb tryptophan.
The Right Combination
Food does more for our moods than we realize. Carbohydrates play a key role in allowing tryptophan to enter the brain, due to the release of insulin. Carbohydrates function as mild tranquilizers, according to Complex carbohydrates, in the form of whole wheat bread, pasta or brown rice, are recommended to help keep blood sugar levels stabilized. Put the combination of protein and carbohydrates to optimal use in a tuna, chicken or peanut butter sandwich.
Natural Remedies
White chamomile -- nature's calming effect Herbal remedies have been used for centuries and have had a resurgence since the standardization of pharmaceuticals. Chamomile tea is a mild yet effective relaxant for children, according to WebMD, but it should not be administered to children with allergies to ragweed or daisies. Valerian is one of the strongest nervous system relaxants for children. The California Poppy has been used to treat children and young adults with ADHD and is found in many of the herbal sleep aids available today. These and other natural remedies come in the form of capsules, tea or tincture.
Side Effects
The advantage of herbal remedies is that they do not usually produce side effects, which are often associated with prescription drugs. For adults, children or pets, any herbal remedy does have a prescribed dosage, however. As different foods work well together, so can different herbal remedies, while other combinations can be problematic. Some herbs should not be combined, so it is important to know about interactions not only between herbs but also between herbal remedies and specific prescription medications.