Natural Ways to Relax Your Body
Meditation is a practice that helps quiet your mind and balance your emotions. Meditation consists of sitting in a comfortable position and clearing your mind. The object is to let go of everyday thoughts and be completely still. Slow, controlled breathing and repeating certain words are methods used by many practitioners. Videos, books and CDs are available to help you begin meditating. This natural relaxation technique has effects that can be seen almost immediately and increase each time you meditate.
A quick jog can help you clear your mind during stressful times Visualization is a method used to reduce stress and increase energy. All you need to do is sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Picture yourself in a place that brings you comfort, such as a sunny park, your aunt's kitchen or a quiet lake. Breathe slowly and try to feel the sensations you are imaging. Tune out all other thoughts and focus solely on relaxing. Even if you are pressed for time, a five-minute session can bring relaxing results.
Laughter makes your body release chemicals that combat the negative effects of stress. Giggling can reduce blood pressure and improve creativity. When you are feeling stressed, experts suggest putting on a funny movie or listening to a comedy CD. A quick laugh works instantly to reduce tension. Surrounding yourself with upbeat and funny friends helps keep your spirits up, regardless of the situation.
Exercise allows you to expel anger and frustration in a positive way. Working up a sweat releases endorphins which fight stress and illness in your body. A brisk walk or an aerobics class gives you time to process your emotions and assess certain situations in your life. Experts suggest engaging in an aerobic activity five days a week for at least 30 minutes to keep your body healthy and your mind relaxed.
Be Grateful
Sometimes all it takes to beat stress is to look at the negative situation in a different way. Focusing on the good things in your life reminds you how much you have. First thing in the morning, write a list of things you are thankful for. Keep a journal of all your blessings and review it anytime you feel down or stressed out. Take time to tell the people in your life how much they mean to you; this will raise your spirits and theirs at the same time.