What Are the Benefits of Nasal Cleansing?
A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic confirmed that mold and fungus present in nasal mucus is the most common cause of sinusitis. According to the Rhinaris website, nasal cleansing with a saline solution clears the mucus from nasal passages, shrinks nasal membranes and promotes mucociliary flow, which is the body's natural nasal cleansing and filtering system. Inhaled materials including pollen, dust, mold and other irritants are expelled through a nasal cleanse. Andrew Weil, M.D. states that chronic sinus patients should use a nasal cleanse daily, as it promotes drainage of the sinuses and speeds the healing of inflamed tissues.
Upper Respiratory Disorders
Nasal cleansing is a vital adjunct therapy in the treatment of upper respiratory conditions, including acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, viral upper respiratory infections and allergic rhinitis. A manuscript published by American Family Physician stated that the breakdown of the nasal mucosa's protective function causes upper respiratory disorders. Nasal cleansing enables the nasal mucosa to resist infectious agents, inflammatory mediators and irritants, resulting in improved functioning of the nasal mucosa, removal of inflammatory mediators, and improved mucociliary function, evident through an increased ciliary beat frequency.
Environmental Allergies
Most people experience seasonal environmental reactions that cause visible symptoms such as sneezing, itching and runny eyes. Some experience environmental allergens, a leading cause of chronic sinusitis, all throughout the year. A nasal cleanse creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria and viruses to cause colds and sinus infections.
Nasal Mucus
The Yogawiz website states that nasal cleansing extracts bacteria-filled mucus from nasal and sinus cavities to increase immunity to nasal allergies and allied respiratory conditions, including sore throats, chronic coughs and colds, post-nasal drips, adenoids and tonsillitis. The cleansing of the nasal passages expels mucus and prevents unhealthy oral breathing.
Eye Health
Nasal cleansing flushes the tear ducts to invigorate the area around the eyes and forehead. It facilitates clearer vision, reduces headaches caused by nervous tension, and improves the sense of smell. Some people have been able to quit smoking after a nasal cleanse, according to the Yoga Meditation website.