Naturopathic Diet for Cerebral Palsy
Addressing Eating Challenges
Many people with cerebral palsy, particularly children, experience problems with chewing or swallowing, so getting the proper nutrition can be difficult. Others face challenges with food allergies, which exacerbate cerebral palsy symptoms.
Foods under a naturopathic diet emphasize protein, unrefined carbohydrates and fats to reach the optimum calorie intake. This includes dairy products, good fats like canola and olive oil, fruits and fiber. Examples are eggs, cheese, milkshakes, beans, peanut butter, breads, rice, potatoes, pasta, hot cereals, wheat germ, nuts, raisins, bananas and other fruits and vegetables.
Naturopathic Food Plan for Treating Symptoms
In naturopathic medicine, certain foods are toxic to the brain. This includes anything containing food additives or preservatives. A naturopathic diet for cerebral palsy should include plenty of fresh, unprocessed foods, as toxins can aggravate symptoms. The ideal diet plan consists of whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts. A vegetarian diet is generally preferred.
Incorporating Healthy Supplements
Because cerebral palsy attacks the nervous system, muscles and joints, supplement your diet with key vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins C and D, calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoids, zinc, pyridoxine and thiamine. These essential vitamins and minerals help improve neurological health and maintain healthy bone and tissue in cerebral palsy patients. Vitamin C is particularly helpful because it builds the collagen necessary for healthy muscles and bones and also contributes to the way the brain sends and receives messages to the body.