How to Kill Salmonella Naturopathically
Things You'll Need
- Digital food thermometer
- 2 spray bottles
- hydrogen peroxide
- water
- Distilled white vinegar
Cooking your food thoroughly can kill salmonella, but you can't tell just by looking at it. Purchase a digital food thermometer and measure your foods internal temperature. For example, beef, veal and lamb much reach a minimum of 145 degrees F (63 degrees C), poultry must reach a minimum of 165 degrees F (74 degrees C).
Use the planet's most natural cleaning and killing agent: hydrogen peroxide. It contains just water and oxygen. Purchase an opaque spray bottle and fill it with a mixture of 50 percent water and 50 percent hydrogen peroxide. Use it in the kitchen to kill salmonella on cutting boards and counters.
Buy a gallon of distilled white vinegar and fill a separate spray bottle with that. After spraying each area with the solution of hydrogen peroxide, follow up with a few squirts of vinegar. Rinsing is not necessary.