Natural Cures for Hair Regrowth
The Asian specialty herb Ginkgo is an effective natural remedy for hair regrowth. It is beneficial for aiding in circulation of blood through the body. This is turn helps stimulate tissues of the skin and scalp among others. This invigorates the follicles of hair on the scalp and promotes hair regrowth. A dose of about 120 to 160 milligrams of ginkgo extract every day can help trigger hair growth
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto, an intrinsic part of various hair loss cure potions, is another important herb when it comes to methods of growing hair. It can slow down the speed of loss of hair and promote regrowth. You could have a 160 milligram capsule of the herb, two times every day for effective results.
According to folk traditions, the herb rosemary can help hair to grow and make it strong, shiny and soft. Both as part of dietary intake or scalp treatment, rosemary can be beneficial for your hair. Simmer a handful of herbal leaves in water for about 10 minutes, cool and strain the mixture, apply on scalp and hair and then wash away with water. Other rosemary treatments include application of the mixture of rosemary extract and shampoo to your hair or massaging the scalp with a mixture of equal parts of rosemary, arnica, southernwood and marigold oils.
Birch Oil
Birch oil on the scalp along with any oil or shampoo may induce hair regrowth. This herbal oil aids the growth of already existing hair, triggers growth of new hair and helps condition the hair, protecting it from pollutants. You could make a mixture of equal parts of tinctures of birch and stinging nettle and horsetail and rub well into your scalp on a regular basis. This helps stimulate hair growth, cleanse the scalp and elevate circulation of the blood. Regular consumption of a juice made with equal quantities of birch extract, aloe, and watercress helps too.
Other Remedies
Regular scalp massages with coconut or almond oil in circular motions can help stimulate hair growth and stop hair fall. According to Indian traditions, you can boil 4 tablespoons of henna leaves in a cup of mustard oil, strain the mixture and massage regularly on the scalp for effective hair growth results.