The Best Home Remedy for Guttate Psoriasis
Home Remedies
One of the simplest and best home remedies for guttate psoriasis is a saltwater soak. Because your skin is already agitated, do not use perfumed salts. Instead, the best saltwater is pure ocean saltwater. You can simulate this by using the salt mixes made for fish tanks in a bathtub. Or, if one of those is unavailable, use plain Epsom salts. Simply soak in warm saltwater for 20 minutes a day. Saltwater soaks also clean out your pores and help detoxify your body.
Sunlight is another home cure. Do not get so much that you burn. Nor is it necessary to get enough to produce a tan. However, sunlight and the vitamin D it produces are good for psoriasis. Some people find that a little sun is all they need. At some dermatology clinics, you can get UV light therapy for psoriasis, which is intense sunlight only on the afflicted areas.
Vitamin E is another recommended home remedy, as the vitamin is good for the skin. You can take vitamin E in capsule form or apply the oil directly. Aloe vera gel and garlic oil together can also be applied topically.
Try bathing in dandruff shampoo. If your psoriasis is on the scalp, this will help.
Try drinking chamomile tea, which is used for calming effects on the skin.
Another home remedy includes drinking a cup of bitter gourd juice with an added teaspoon of lime juice. Drink this on an empty stomach daily and see improvement after six months.
Lifestyle Changes
Exercise regularly. Exercise helps the body function properly and strengthens the immune system. It helps move toxins out of the body as well. Swimming and cycling are excellent forms of exercise for people with guttate psoriasis.
Eat a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid animal fats, caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars. Garlic, parsley, nuts, lettuce, grains and limes can be helpful. If you are allergic or sensitive to any foods, then avoid them as they may be triggering factors.
Because stress tends to cause psoriasis flare-ups, learn techniques to manage stress. Consider taking up meditation, yoga or tai chi, with which you can learn to relax while exercising at the same time.