Natural Remedies for Heartburn & Acid Reflux
Heartburn and acid reflux often go hand in hand. Both conditions occur when the acid in the stomach backs up into the esophagus. While these conditions may sometimes require medical care, and there are many over-the-counter medicines that can control the symptoms, changing your diet can help alleviate your condition. Certain foods tend to agitate heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, which makes food one of the best places to start for natural remedies.-
Raw or dried bananas work as a natural antacid for some people. While more research is needed, people who advocate bananas as a natural remedy think the banana also coats the intestine of the stomach, reducing the acid's ability to back up.
With garlic, raw cloves or a supplement of garlic can help kill microorganisms often found in individuals suffering from heart burn and acid reflux. People who use garlic as a heartburn remedy find eating two raw cloves can alleviate symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar
As a home remedy, apple cider vinegar is a popular choice. Oddly enough this acid helps counteract stomach acid. If you can handle it, drink one teaspoon of the vinegar straight. Others prefer to make the vinegar a bit tastier by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar with a little sugar, water and baking soda.
Eat dried or fresh papaya before meals or as soon as you experience symptoms. The fruit contains an enzyme, called papain, which aids digestion. People who are pregnant or have lactose intolerance should not use papaya as it can lead to other problems.
Some bodies process foods differently, which means a natural remedy could agitate your condition rather than fixing it. To determine which foods work best, keep a food journal and record any adverse reactions. Track trends to determine whether foods are improving or worsening your symptoms. Additionally, some remedies for acid reflux, like garlic, can interact with prescription medications. If you take medication talk with your doctor before you change your diet.