Home Remedies for Tooth & Jaw Pain After Surgery
Numbing the Pain
A simple remedy is to swish warm saltwater into your mouth. Salt has many positive qualities, including antiseptic. Saltwater may potentially sting. If so, you have perhaps mixed too much salt into the water. It may sting worse when dealing with a cracked tooth. But generally, saltwater is safe to use on tissues recently traumatized by surgery.
Ice packs are another way to help numb pain. Simply apply to the side of the jaw where it hurts. You can even hold an ice cube directly in your mouth over the tender area. Ice helps to cool down the inflammation and reduce pain.
Gently massage tea tree oil or other gum-numbing product onto the sore spot. Definitely speak with your surgeon first to determine how long after the surgery you must wait to apply topical numbing agents to the incision area.
Yarrow root acts as an anesthetic. Take cuttings of the fresh root or use the leaves and apply them directly to the gums or teeth to alleviate pain. Again, speak with your doctor first.
For bleeding and pain, take a cooled wet tea bag, wrapped in a piece of gauze and hold it against the wound site. The tannic acid constricts tiny blood vessels, helping them form clots. Wet tea bags also help reduce swelling.
After any surgery, beware of using blood thinners. Ginko biloba and vitamin E can cause additional bleeding due to this. Aspirin, too, is a blood thinner, and so the only pain relievers taken should be those recommended by the oral surgeon. If you are using any other pain killers or are on prescription blood thinners, make sure your oral surgeon is aware of what you are taking. Garlic, too, can cause bleeding. As such, if you take garlic, you should discontinue its use a week prior to the surgery and wait to resume after the sutures have healed. Feverfew and ginseng can also cause bleeding.
Relaxing herbs, such as kava kava and St. John's wort can increase the effects of anesthesia and should be discontinued approximately a week before surgery.
Healing Aids
The homeopathic remedy, arnica, is used to reduce trauma and swelling. It is often used for any bruising situations and may help speed recovery after surgery. Arnica can be taken in tablet form, dissolved under the tongue. It is also available as a topical gel; be sure to read package directions for use.
The spice curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and so including it in your diet may also help relieve the associated swelling and pain due to surgery.