Natural Way to Remedy the Initial Phase of a UTI
Increase Fluids
A bacterium in the bladder that travels through the urinary system is responsible for urinary tract infections. Urine is a cleansing agent, as well as the body's method for eliminating waste. Increase your urine output by drinking more water every day to flush the bacteria out of the body.
Stay away from caffeinated beverages like coffee and soda. These drinks can decrease the amount of urine output and cause dehydration.
Cranberry and Blueberry
Drink cranberry and blueberry juice in addition to the water to help rid the body of the bacteria in the urinary tract. Do not consume juices that contain refined sugar for sweetening. Choose a juice that is naturally sweetened with fruit juices and natural ingredients.
Cranberry and blueberry are also natural antibiotics that can prevent the growth of the bacteria in the bladder and urinary tract.
At the first sign of a urinary tract infection, begin treatment with an herbal remedy. Herbs can help remedy the infection with antiseptic properties and the ability to function as a diuretic.
Use a tea made from 1 tsp. of goldenseal and 1 cup of hot water to fight the early stages of a urinary tract infection. This herb is also found as a supplement or in tincture form. Add a couple of teaspoons of the tincture to warm water to remedy your UTI.
Corn Silk is an herbal diuretic that helps the body to flush out bacteria. Use 3 ml three times a day to flush bacteria from the urinary tract.
Natural Pain Relief
Use a hot water bottle on the abdomen to relieve the pain of a urinary tract infection. A heating pad also helps to relieve the pain.
Pain in the urethra can be soothed with a sitz bath. Add herbs such as goldenseal to the bath to kill the bacteria. The bath is very soothing and you can use it several times a day to relieve the pain and burning sensation. A sitz bath is sold in most drugstores or medical supply stores.