Naturopathic Remedy for Eczema
Soaps and Detergents
Those with eczema are extremely sensitive to harsh soaps and detergents. Even the clothing that you wear can affect the skin you wash it in harsh detergents. Choose soaps that are hypoallergenic and free of fragrance and dyes.
Natural soaps made from avocado oil or cocoa butter can help provide moisture and relieve the cracked dry eczema skin. Experiment with natural soaps to find one that does not irritate your skin. Other ingredients used in natural soaps are goat's milk and oatmeal, which are both very soothing for inflamed skin.
Look for laundry detergents that are free of chemical dyes and fragrances. Wear gloves when you are using household cleansers and detergents.
Foods may be the trigger for an eczema outbreak. An elimination diet will help you to discover the foods that your skin may be reacting to. Keep track of the foods that you eat and monitor any reactions in your skin.
A healthy diet will ensure that your body is getting necessary nutrients. A nutritional deficiency may make it more likely that your skin has a flare up of eczema. Choose foods that are as close as possible to their natural source to avoid chemicals used in processing. Organic foods are grown without pesticides and are a good choice for your healthy diet.
Herbal Treatments
The FDA does not evaluate or test herbal remedies. Check with your doctor first before beginning an herbal treatment for your skin condition. Some herbs interact with prescription medications and may interfere with drugs that are used to treat another condition.
Flaxseed oil is a good source of omega 3 essential fatty acids and may boost the health of your skin. Add a tablespoon of the oil each day to help with eczema.
Two grams of evening primrose oil once a day may prevent an eczema outbreak. This herbal treatment is rich in omega 6 essential fatty acids and may help in healing an outbreak that has already occurred as well.