Nutritional Approach to Heal Achilles Tendinitis
Drink Water
According to Mary Carlson of, sufferers can use several nutritional means, such as drinking as much pure water as possible to promote elasticity.
Eliminate Sugar
According to, tendinitis sufferers should eliminate sugar and refined flour foodstuffs such as bread and pasta. These substances deplete vitamin C and glucosamine, an essential bodily lubricant.
Eat Raw Vegetables
Carlson also recommends eating raw vegetables because they contain enzymes that promote healing. Cooking kills enzymes in fresh vegetables.
Take Vitamins
A good multivitamin helps heal Achilles tendinitis. Carlson also recommends a vitamin C supplement of at least 3,000 milligrams daily. This will boost collagen production that is necessary for healthy connective tissues such as tendons. An added benefit is that skin retains elasticity as well, slowing wrinkles.
Take Supplements
- recommends the following supplements to help reduce inflammation: manganese, selenium, vitamin E, flax seed oil and enzyme tablets.