Naturopathy in Treating Colon Cancer
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy (also called Naturopathic medicine) is a medical discipline utilizing protocols such as nutrition, healing foods, vitamins and supplements, botanical and homeopathic compounds, acupuncture, clinical hypnosis and physiotherapy to improve the body's intrinsic power to heal itself. The practitioner is called a "Naturopath" (N.D.) or "Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine" (N.M.D.), depending on the state of licensure.
Currently, fourteen U.S. states license Naturopathic doctors as primary care physicians. Today's Naturopathic doctor is regulated by a state licensing board, is required to complete many hours of continuing education, and has completed a clinical residency, much the same as any conventional (allopathic) medical doctor.
Naturopathy and Systemic Disease
Using Naturopathy in the treatment of systemic diseases such as cancer requires a multi-faceted approach. One of the most unique and effective aspects of Naturopathy is the level of involvement of the patient in his course of treatment. The Naturopathic doctor and the patient work as a team to plan and implement a course of treatment that best suits the patient's lifestyle, family situation, work responsibilities, etc. The Naturopathic philosophy deems this relationship necessary for the mental well-being of the patient, allowing him to have control over an important aspect of his life and have the knowledge to regain optimal health. Diseases such as colon cancer require very regimented nutritional and supplement therapies, in addition to lifestyle changes. These can more easily implemented when the patient is "mentally-ready" and knows the steps of the journey ahead.
Naturopathic Protocols for Cancer
While most of the conventional medical profession is based on a reactive strategy to disease, the Naturopath is trained in preventive care. This philosophy recognizes, however, that a patient may be beyond the scope of natural therapies and that allopathic medicine must intervene to save the life of the patient in some cases. The Naturopath is trained to recognize these types of situations and refer the patient to an oncologist or other cancer specialist. Once the diagnosis has been made, the Naturopath can still provide adjunct therapies that will help strengthen the body's immune system and cancer-fighting capabilities. These therapies will not interfere with cancer drug therapy, and in many cases will protect the body from many of the side effects cancer drugs are noted for.
Some Suggestions
While each case is different, there are some general Naturopathic guidelines the colon cancer patient can follow during the early stages of the disease, as well as through the course of treatment, allopathic or otherwise:
• Develop "clean" eating habits---choose food that is not processed and does not contain preservatives or harmful chemicals. Raw green vegetables, fresh fruits, foods high in fiber, quality drinking water and less red meat are a good start.
• Stay away from junk foods, soft drinks, coffee or any drinks with a high refined sugar or caffeine content, artificial sweeteners or coloring. Green or black teas, fresh vegetable and fresh fruit juices are good. Consider getting a juicer, as there are hundreds of juicing recipes for rebuilding the immune system.
• Stay away from environmental dangers---hair spray, home and industrial cleaning agents, paint thinners, automotive solvents, i.e. any toxic agents that can be taken into the lungs or absorbed through the skin.
• Exercise is vitally important to maintain the healing processes of the body. Walking is the most beneficial to all of the systems of the body. Fresh air and sunshine (in moderation) are equally as important. If walking isn't physically possible due to joint pain, try it in a swimming pool. There are hundreds of aquatic exercise programs on DVD available at your local library.
• Vitamins and supplements play a role in the overall course of Naturopathic treatment of colon cancer. It is important that the patient consult with the Naturopathic doctor on the dosages, times of day and most effective types of vitamins and supplements for the his particular case. Simply buying vitamins suggested in a book or other static source may result in nothing but a waste of money and a waste of something even more valuable...your time. Your time should be devoted to the most effective course of treatment. This is the revered responsibility and mission of the Naturopathic doctor.