Aloe Vera for Stomach Problems
Aloe vera, or aloe barbadensis, has a number of medicinal properties. It is best known for soothing and healing skin, especially after burns, but it also contains properties that soothe some stomach problems. Juice extracted from the aloe vera plant can be safely ingested.-
Because aloe vera acts as an anti-inflammatory substance, it helps soothe stomach conditions such as heartburn. When spicy foods have caused stomach acid to rise into or near the esophagus, these regions become inflamed. Drinking aloe vera juice can reduce this heartburn inflammation.
Aloe vera juice helps the acids in the stomach to work together, which makes the entire digestive process runs smoothly. If you suffer from constipation, drinking aloe vera juice can help restore this balance. It also helps build and maintain healthy tissue necessary for maintenance of the small and large intestines, the colon and the stomach.
IBS & Colitis
Aloe vera increases the digestive tract's ability to absorb nutrients. It works as an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent, helping reduce the risk of infection within the digestive system. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or colitis should notice significant calming of the stomach when regularly taking aloe vera in liquid, tablet or leaf form.