Blood Pressure Natural Cures
Food Flavorings
Certain spices such as cayenne pepper aid in preventing stickiness of blood platelets. This supports a normal rate of blood flow. which helps lower blood pressure.. Try to flavor any dish, such as a salad, curry or soup, with a little cayenne pepper. Garlic is another remedy that helps prevent narrowing of the arteries. This promotes smoother blood flow and lower pressure. Parsley leaves have a similar benefit.
Roots such as potatoes and common green leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce are rich in potassium. This, in turn, is useful for patients with high blood pressure. Fiber-rich broccoli also helps in bringing down blood pressure. The photochemical 3-N-butylphthalide in celery helpsdecrease blood pressure when it's a direct result of tension and anxiety. Celery lowers the stress hormones that constrict your blood vessels. Brussels sprouts and asparagus lower homocysteine, which makes arteries rigid and increases blood pressure.
Fruits are also beneficial sources of potassium, which is important in lowering blood pressure. Try to include three to four helpings of potassium-rich foods in your daily diet. Having a banana, some grapefruit and lime can aid in lowering blood pressure. These fruits are rich in potassium and aid in making your arteries toned and your capillaries sturdier. Watermelon seeds, either dried or roasted, are rich in substances that ease the walls of blood vessels. Apricots, cantaloupes and oranges also are beneficial for blood pressure.
General Measures
Avoid fried foods and opt for baked, grilled, or roasted dishes. Do your cooking with either mustard, canola or safflower oils to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in check. Instead of white rice, eat brown rice, which is rich in calcium and aids in controlling the mineral and vitamin balance of your blood cells.