Natural Remedy to Lower High Blood Pressure
Eliminate Poor Lifestyle Factors
Quit smoking, if applicable. Reduce the amount the caffeine and sodium in your system. If you are overweight, lose weight. Get more exercise. Be sure to consult with your physician before adopting a rigorous exercise regime or changing your diet drastically. And eat foods lower in fat. Avoid fried foods, junk food, and refined foods including sugar and dairy products.
Develop Good Eating Habits
Drink lots of water. Take your weight, divide that in half, and drink that quantity in oz. of water daily. Add in more fruits and vegetables, eating those that are whole (meaning fresh, unrefined and unprocessed). Foods good for your heart and blood include onions, garlic, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and cold-water fish, such as tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines.
Add in Supplements
Take supplements as directed on their labels, unless a doctor recommends otherwise. Add in calcium, as calcium deficiency has been linked to hypertension. Selenium deficiencies have also been linked with heart disease. Take coenzyme Q10 as it improves heart function to help lower blood pressure. Garlic capsules are also beneficial. Vitamin C reduces blood-clotting tendencies and is recommended. Vitamin E also improves heart function. Flaxseed oil, primrose oil or olive oil provide good sources of unsaturated fats, which are important for circulation.
Herbal Remedies
Many natural remedies include herbs. However, herbs should be treated the same as a medicine and used with your doctor's supervision. Some herbs used to treat hypertension include: coleus forkohlii, hawthorne, rauwolfia and mistletoe. Coleus forkohlii is a good general herb for lowering blood pressure and improving heart function, while hawthorne works by dilating coronary blood vessels. Rauwolfia is stronger than mistletoe as a hypotensive botanical. Other herbs often recommended include cayenne, chamomile, fennel, parsley and rosemary.