Diet Treatments for Candida and Acne
Dietary Suggetions for Candida
Reducing simple sugars in your diet is important. Candida feeds on sugar. Simple sugar is what we know as white table sugar and is found in foods like cookies, cakes and ice cream. Other foods that contribute to candida growth are large quantities of milk and other dairy products, and foods with high amounts of yeast such as cheese, peanuts and alcohol.
Evidence is mixed regarding whether eating yogurt with live probiotic cultures on a daily basis is helpful, but it will not hurt. Increase your intake of garlic; it has strong anti-fungal properties. Certain spices also have anti-fungal properties. They include oregano, cinnamon, sage and cloves. Essential fatty acids are also beneficial for fighting candida. Increase your intake of nuts, flax seeds or cold-water fish like salmon. Whole grains rich in the B-vitamins are also recommended. A probiotic supplement can replenish your supply of "good" bacteria that fight off harmful organisms like candida. Take as directed on the label.
Dietary Suggestions for Acne
The following suggestions can help prevent acne flare-ups. Eat anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Berries of all kinds are a particularly rich source. It is a good idea to increase your consumption of whole fresh foods of all kinds including whole grains and reduce intake of processed, packaged foods.
Reducing and preventing inflammation is a key for fighting acne. Include rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids like cold-water fish, flaxseed and nuts in your diet. For a long time, many believed nuts contributed to acne but evidence shows otherwise. If you feel however, they contribute to your acne, do not eat them. Other foods that contribute to inflammation include white breads and pastas and anything with table sugar like sweets.
Keeping your skin hydrated is also important. It helps clear out the pores. Food allergies and sensitivities might contribute to acne. You might want to consider getting tested for food allergies. The most common allergens are milk, wheat gluten, corn, soy, preservatives and chemical food additives.