Medicine for Neck Pain
Neck pain caused by muscle spasms can be eased with calcium. Calcium intake helps to control muscle spasms caused by magnesium deficiency, and it stops muscle cramps.
Neck pain relief may be accomplished through vitamins and minerals. The B vitamins can help to relieve pain, and vitamins C and E can help to detoxify the body of heavy metals that may affect the neck muscles, ligaments and bones. Potassium and zinc also help to promote pain relief.
Devil's Claw
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, devil's claw is an herb that may provide neck pain relief.
Menthol and Camphor
Neck Solutions states that these herbs provide topical neck pain relief when applied to the skin. These herbs penetrate painful muscles and stimulate the nerves to lessen the pain. Menthol provides local pain relief through its cooling effects, and camphor reduces swelling and improves blood circulation in the area.
Other Herbs
St. John's wort, wood betony, valerian, skullcap, chamomile and passionflower may also provide neck muscle pain relief.
Consult your health care provider prior to starting any supplement therapies and herbal remedies for neck pain. If you are taking any prescription medications, you will need to know the safety and efficacy of combining the treatments.