How to Cure Candida by Not Eating Sugar
Things You'll Need
- Garlic, fresh or in supplement form
- Stevia, powdered or liquid
- Teas: pau d'arco and clove
- Raw virgin coconut oil
- Wild oregano oil
- Probiotic supplements containing a combination of lactobaccillus and bifidobacillus, at least 1 billion organisms each
Eliminate sweet foods that feed Candida. This includes all sugar and sugar substitutes except stevia, and all fruits including citrus and tomatoes. Other foods to avoid include starchy vegetables like carrots, corn, beets, winter squash, sweet potatoes and yams. Instead, eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, kale, and broccoli, cabbage, celery, pea pods, onions, and summer squash. According to the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, garlic inhibits fungal growth when eaten fresh or taken as a supplement.
Eliminate any foods that contain yeast or gluten, such as those made with wheat, barley, or rye. Brown rice, millet and quinoa are healthy grain substitutes. Avoid all dairy products except plain yogurt with active cultures. Phyllis Balch, in Prescription for Nutritional Healing, advises not to eat any meats but plain broiled fish and skinless broiled chicken.
Fight candida overgrowth. Raw virgin coconut oil is antifungal. Start by taking one teaspoon three times a day and gradually increase your intake to two tablespoons three times a day. Wild oregano oil can kill a wide range of fungi. Three to six cups a day of pau d'arco tea can help get candida under control. Alternate pau d'arco with clove tea to maximize the benefits of both herbs' antifungal properties.
Avoid fermented and aged foods and those known to harbor mycotoxins (yeast spores): cheeses, chocolate, dried fruits, ham, honey, nut butters, pickles, mushrooms and soy sauce. Do not drink or swim in chlorinated water, which kills friendly organisms and encourages yeast overgrowth.
Replace healthy bacteria. Use a non-dairy combination formula probiotic supplement. Take probiotics on an empty stomach between meals to reduce destruction by stomach acid before they reach the bowel, where they will compete with and reduce candida colonies. High doses, up to five billion organisms a day for two weeks may be necessary, followed by one billion organisms a day to maintain balance.