How to Prevent Acid Indigestion Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Water
- Pillow
Eat consistent meals spaced out regularly throughout the day. One of the best ways to treat acid indigestion is to not let high amounts of concentrated acids build up in your stomach. This happens when you go long periods without eating any food. So instead of eating one or two large meals a day, eat 3 or 4 meals spaced out evenly.
Drink a teaspoon of baking soda mixed into a glass of water after a meal high in acidic foods that you know tends to give you acid indigestion. This helps neutralize the acid in you stomach naturally and prevent any burning sensation in your throat and stomach.
Make sure to eat food with any medications you are taking. A lot of people get acid reflux indigestion when they ignore drug labels when taking medications. Anything from Aspirin to prescription drugs can cause acid indigestion if the directions on the Label are ignored.
Avoid eating foods that tend to give you acid indigestion. Mainly foods with high acidic content are what causes acid indigestion. Spicy foods are also a leading contributor. However each person reacts differently to individual foods. So as a rule, avoid foods that you know have given you problems in the past.