All-Natural Cures for Scabies
St. John's Wort and Onions
The herb St. John's Wort can provide instant relief from the itching resultant from scabies. Keep some herb stems soaked in evening primrose oil and then rub the scabies affected area with it. The skin of the onion has a substance called quercetin, which helps soothe the skin affected by scabies. Boil six onions in a quart of water for half an hour. Use the cooled concoction generously all over the body. This is one of the most effective home remedies for scabies.
Neem and Turmeric
Extract of the neem or fresh neem leaves are available at Indian grocery and health food stores. This plant has ingredients which have natural antiseptic qualities and are effective against skin parasite infections like scabies. Mixed with turmeric, rich in the beneficial curcumin, this helps effectively in treating scabies naturally. Turmeric root should be mixed with four times its quantity of neem leaves paste for positive results. Turmeric root or powder, even without neem leaves, can be made in to a paste and applied on the infection for relief.
American Pennyroyal and Mountain Mint
Make a tea by boiling American Pennyroyal oil, rich in pulegone, in water and apply it on the scabies infected areas. It helps by repelling the parasites and curing the condition. Mountain mint, also pulegone-rich, has similar insect repelling qualities for which it is of immense importance in natural scabies treatment procedures. Available at alternative medicine stores, fresh leaves of this plant can be directly rubbed on to the infected area to cure scabies.
Oats and Tea Tree Oil
While other herbs take time to cure the condition of scabies, you can try the oatmeal way for reducing the terrible itch. Take a few spoonfuls of oatmeal, add it to your bath water and soak in it for half an hour. Tea tree oil has antiseptic qualities, helpful in fighting parasitical infections too. Add about a dozen drops of tea tree oil to a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and rub the mixture on the scabies-affected area for relief from the condition.
Other Natural Remedies
Star anise oil, boiled and concentrated concoction of walnut shells and the pure gel of the aloe vera stem can help soothe the scabies-affected skin and offer relief. Poultice made of the Chinese specialty herb chastetree and bath water infused with peppermint can also prove beneficial as natural treatment methods for scabies. To clean the area, always use clean cloths. Keep the infected person's clothes and towels separate and do not scratch the area.