Natural Cures for Prostate Problems
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is a small palm tree native to the southeastern United States. Saw palmetto is also known as American dwarf palm tree and cabbage palm. The berry extract from the tree is used mainly for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). According to the "Doctor's Book of Home Remedies," 18 clinical studies reviewed in 1998 concluded that saw palmetto yielded improvements similar to Finasteride--a testosterone-lowering drug--with fewer side effects. Benefits include stronger urinary flow, fewer night-time bathroom trips, less urine retained in the bladder after urination and less urinary frequency. Saw palmetto can be ingested in liquid, tablets, capsules and tea. Two or three 500-mg capsules per day can be taken, with improvement showing up in one to three months. Side effects can include mild stomach discomfort, tender breasts and decreased sexual desire.
African pygeum is a fruit of an African evergreen tree and is used in Europe to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. The extract reduces symptoms of night-time frequency and difficulty urinating. Standard dosage is one 100- to 200-mg capsules per day.
Zinc is important to the body's production of semen. A deficiency in semen production can lead to prostate problems. Standard dosage is 30 mg per day. Zinc and copper are linked in the body, and taking zinc for a prolonged period could cause balance problems. To avoid imbalance problems, take 2 mg per day of copper as well.
Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of phytosterols and zinc, both vital in prostate health. Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of ground pumpkin seeds mixed with a liquid twice a day. Combination supplements with saw palmetto and African pygeum are available in many health food stores.
Avoid sitting for prolonged periods, especially in a profession that puts pressure on the prostate (such as truck driving). Take small breaks throughout the day to get out of your seat and move around. This also helps circulation from being diminished to the region of the prostate, relieving symptoms.
Exercise reduces the severity of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Bicycle seats can put pressure on the prostate as well, so buy a split cycle seat if you prefer cycling.
Wear cotton boxers or briefs. Tight underclothing restricts blood flow to the prostate area. Wearing cotton will allow good blood flow, bringing nutrients to the prostate and carrying out waste products.