How to Use Natural Progesterone Cream to Achieve Hormone Balance
Things You'll Need
- Vitex 600mg dosage per day
- USP Natural Progesterone Cream
To begin to achieve hormone balance, you must understand your cycle. You really should have 28 or 29 days between periods. If your cycles are shorter (fewer than 27 days) or longer (greater than 32), this is a very likely sign that your hormones are not functioning properly, even if you have no other symptoms (mood swings, acne, headaches, etc.) First figure out when you are ovulating. Do this by checking cervical mucus (CM.) (You do not need to actually feel inside your body, you should notice it when you are using the restroom.) CM should be of an egg white consistency for a few days prior to ovulation. Once you are no longer producing this type of CM, you can assume you have ovulated. This information is important for the next few steps. Please note, if you are out of balance, it is quite possible you are not producing viable eggs, or possibly not ovulating at all. Regardless, if you follow these procedures, you should resume ovulation over the course of about 6 months, possibly sooner.
Begin taking 600mg of Vitex per day on the first half of your monthly cycle as the next step to getting your hormones balanced. Vitex is an herb that is found at most health food and vitamin stores. It has been found to regulate females hormones, and many women who thought they were infertile have reported becoming pregnant after taking this herb for 6 months to 1 year. Once you ovulate (or believe you do), stop taking the Vitex that month and move on to the next step. If you really can't tell if you've ovulated, stop the Vitex on Day 15.
On the day following presumed ovulation, begin using topical natural progesterone cream. Be wary, it must be USP natural progesterone cream, preferably one recommended by Dr. John Lee. He was an innovator in this field, and his web site goes into detail on the benefits of natural progesterone cream. He believed wholeheartedly that progesterone cream lead to complete hormone balance. Most of the natural progesterone creams on the market come in a pump and have the consistency of lotion. For the first few months, press the pump fully down twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Be sure to rub it in well, and rotate where you put it on your body so you can avoid over saturation in one spot. Stop use after 14 days so you can get your period.
Continue these steps for about a year to ensure hormone balance. The goal is to get well so that you can stop taking Vitex and using progesterone cream all together, and allow your body to produce hormones correctly on its own. However, once a woman becomes peri-menopausal (late thirties, early forties), natural hormone replacement may need to become a way of life.
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