Naturopathy Information
Coined by Dr. John Scheel in 1895, naturopathy began in Germany with the introduction of what is known as the "water cure." Popularized by a farmer named Vincent Priessnitz, the water cure has become one of the primary methods utilized in naturopathic medicine.
Principles of Naturopathy
Naturopathic physicians are required to follow six basic principles when treating patients.
* Do No Harm: Therapy should eliminate the cause of the symptoms and not merely suppress the symptoms.
* Promote the Healing Power of Nature: The role of the naturopathic physician is to facilitate the body's natural ability to heal itself by using natural methods to remove the obstacles that are preventing the body from recovering.
* Identify and Treat the Cause: The naturopathic physician must identify the cause of the symptom by evaluating the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition of the patient.
* Heal the Whole Person: All areas of well-being and health should be addressed, not merely focusing on one area.
* Physician as a Teacher: The naturopathic physician should educate the patient and encourage him to become responsible for his own health.
* Prevention Is the Best Cure: Emphasis should be established on building health instead of fighting disease.
Water Therapy Method
Pure water is used to cleanse toxins from the body and mind in naturopathy. Simple to perform, water therapy involves beginning each day by drinking 1 liter of water on an empty stomach. Nothing should be eaten until one hour has passed and no alcohol should be consumed the night before. Best results may be achieved by following this routine for three months. Water therapy may be used to treat frequent headaches, joint pain, depression, kidney ailments, constipation, dark circles under the eyes and acne. However, as everyone has different needs, it is best to perform water therapy under the supervision of a naturopathic physician.
Magnet Therapy Method
Magnets are often used to relieve pain in naturopathy. Varying physical postures are combined with varying magnet strengths to treat different areas of the body. There are two theories that explain how magnets work on the body. The first theory is that magnets kill pain by stimulating nerves when they are placed on the skin. The second theory is that magnets work by increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the area, which produces heat and accelerates healing.
Mud Therapy Method
Mud is believed to refresh and rejuvenate the entire body by enhancing vital energy and strength. A mud pack is created by combining clay that was extracted deep in the earth with warm water. The mud is then cooled and spread onto strips, which are wrapped around the body and removed after 10 to 30 minutes. Taking a mud bath is believed to remove impurities and improve circulation.