Facts on Natural Skin Care Products for Eczema
Powerful enough to soothe even the worst itch, and safe enough to give orally to a baby, chamomile has known soothing properties for clearing up eczema outbreaks. When applying topically, consider brewing a heavy tea and applying directly to the affected areas with soft cotton fabrics such as cloth diapers. Cover the diapers with plastic wrap and leave on skin for at least 30 minutes. As with any herb or medicine, consult a physician or naturopathic specialist before commencing an oral regimen.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an excellent emulsifier and soother for eczema itch. Vitamin E can be purchased in either a liquid or gel cap form. Simply apply directly to the affected area for quick relief. For best results, apply immediately after bathing or showering while the skin is moist. Avoid synthetic vitamin E oils, which will be listed as dl-alpha tocopherol. Natural vitamin E is labeled as d-alpha tocopherol.
Herbal Creams
Herbal infusions offer twice the potency of herbs and oils alone. According to Earthwise Herbal, infusions are natural medicines in which oils and herbs are combined, allowing an herb's medicinal elements to be absorbed into the oil. When considering a cream, purer is always better. Avoid creams with parabens, alcohols and fragrances, as they will further irritate the skin instead of soothing it. Brands such as Blissful Babies Soothing Cream and Burt's Bees Natural Diaper Cream contain effective herbs for the healing of eczema and other skin conditions without added ingredients that can further irritate.
Oatmeal Baths
Colloidal oatmeal has long been an accepted soothing agent for even the most serious rashes. It is so safe that parents have used it for generations to treat children's chicken pox, and so gentle that pediatricians recommend its use for babies with eczema outbreaks. Simply add several cups of colloidal oatmeal to a lukewarm bath and soak. Colloidal oatmeal can be made at home by grinding store-bought oatmeal in a coffee grinder until it is a fine powder. The process may need to be repeated several times to obtain a fine enough texture.
Both common and powerful, plantain sap is more effective than aloe vera at soothing and moisturizing eczema-irritated skin. Fresh plantain can be found at most herbal shops and some health food stores. Simply crush the stalk using a mortar and pestle and apply directly to the inflamed area for quick and potent relief.