Garlic Cure for Candida
Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic. Its antiseptic qualities make it a popular choice among those looking for alternative treatments for illnesses usually treated with medical antibiotics. When taken internally, garlic will fight the "bad" bacteria in the system while promoting the "good" bacteria. This stands in contrast to traditional antibiotics that rid the system of all bacteria, both good and bad.
When beginning a course of garlic to combat a bacterial infection, such as Candida, most individuals rely on garlic supplements. These are available in capsule form or pill form and taken with water. For those with sensitive stomachs, they should not be taken on an empty stomach. When purchasing supplements, check the bottle for the phrase "odorless" to ensure your garlic intake will not be broadcast to those around you. Of course, for those not afraid to offend others within breath distance, garlic cloves can be eaten raw. They can be minced or sliced and taken with water, like a pill, for ease of consumption. It is best not to cook the garlic, as the heat can kill some of the antibacterial properties within the cloves.
While further studies are needed on humans, garlic has shown itself to be effective in fighting Candida yeast. Mice infected with large amounts of Candida bacteria were administered garlic and were completely free of the Candida yeast within 48 hours. Although studies by the Western medical world have not proven garlic to be effective in fighting Candida, it has been a common treatment among proponents of alternative treatments for decades.
The obvious drawback of using garlic to fight a Candida infection is the taste and smell. Sometimes, even the "odorless" pills can produce a taste, especially when belching. In addition, like most natural supplements and herbs, garlic can interact negatively with other prescribed medications. For example, garlic is known to thin the blood, which can be life-threatening to those who suffer from hemophilia, woman who are pregnant or nursing or anyone planning to undergo surgery. As a result, it is essential for anyone considering introducing garlic into their systems on a regular basis to consult a doctor first.
Although the amount of garlic needed to fight an infection of Candida will vary among individuals, depending on weight and stature, there are general guidelines for garlic intake. If taken in the form of raw cloves, between two and four grams should be taken per day. For capsule or pill form, look for supplements that have at least 600 and not more than 900 milligrams of garlic. Those opting for a garlic oil should take no more than three teaspoons per day. Like an antibiotic, for maximum effectiveness in fighting bacteria, the garlic should remain in the system throughout the day. Spacing out the amounts in morning, afternoon and evening doses will help ensure optimum effectiveness.