Body Cleanse Home Remedy for Worms
Garlic, used either as fresh cloves or as an extract, is one longtime home remedy. Ingest three cloves of garlic early in the morning before breakfast. An old but popular remedy involves placing a clove of garlic on the sole of each shoe, so that when you walk, the pressure crushes the garlic, releasing its oil. This oil is absorbed through the sole of the foot and travels upward through the bloodstream to the intestines, where it helps destroy the parasites.
Coconut is another body-cleanse home remedy for worms. In the morning, eat 1 tbsp. of freshly ground coconut, followed three hours later with about 50ml of castor oil mixed with 350ml of milk. Follow this routine until your body is rid of the worms.
Unripe papaya is rich in papain, a strong digestive enzyme that helps eliminate worms from your system. Take 1 tbsp. each of honey and the juice of fresh unripe papaya and mix them with 4 tbsp. of tepid water. Two hours later, drink a mixture of 50ml castor oil and 350ml of warm milk. This should show results within two days. A teaspoon of powdered papaya seeds mixed with a cup of milk before breakfast every day is also beneficial. Another papaya remedy involves the leaves of the plant. Steep 15g of dried papaya leaves in 1 qt. of boiling water and add 1 tbsp. of honey.
The bark of the pomegranate root and stem is rich in punicine, an alkaloid that acts as a worm repellent. Steep a handful of flakes of the pomegranate bark in 1 qt. of boiling water, then let the infusion cool. Take roughly 80ml of this cold concoction three times a day, one hour apart. Top it with a laxative after the last dose of the day.
Other Home Remedies
To help eliminate worms, you can also use plenty of turmeric in cooking, go on a diet of only pineapple for four days or drink clove tea three times a day for a week. Also try eating and drinking lots of fruits and juices and avoiding fatty foods such as cream, butter and cheese for a week to help remove intestinal worms.