Naturopathic Remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis
The Naturopathic Way
As detailed on the National Psoriasis Foundation website, there are means of treating ailments by not treating them. Practitioners seek to prevent the problem altogether or treat the underlying cause. They believe that the body fights a disease, and the symptoms are the outcome of that fight, of adapting to the disease or recovering from it. So, what may look like a skin rash to you, is actually a symptom of something else. Naturopathic practitioners treat that "something else."
Naturopathic Treatments for the Skin
The psoriasis often precedes the arthritis symptoms, by months to even years, so treating the skin trouble is the first step. The disease is part of a family of autoimmune disorders wherein your immune system attacks your body. According to the websites and, simple yoga and exercise can help, and alternating cold and heat applications to the affected area(s) can reduce inflamation and clear the skin. Herbs may be recommended, including milk thistle and yellow dock, in supplement or topical form, and applications of aloe vera are often quite effective.
If you're able to fast, recommends drinking nothing but carrot juice and vegetable juices for one to four weeks to markedly improve the skin. If fasting is not an option, then stick to a strictly raw food diet for the same period--eat only fresh salads, fruit and vegetable juices, and sprouts.
Naturopathic Treatments for the Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis appears in different forms which affect different joints, and is itself distinguished from other forms of arthritis. Always consult your doctor before trying a treatment. According to, there are many naturopathic treatments. Once again, exercise can help to ease the swelling associated with the arthritis, and minimize the pain. It can also build up your strength, drop some weight (which will take pressure off of your joints) and even get your joints to stabilize. Also, just getting the right number of hours of sleep can reduce inflammation in your joints and make you feel less fatigued.
According to, there are lifestyle changes that may also help. If you smoke, stop. Take up swimming, walking, and/or an exercise like yoga. If you are having trouble sleeping, are grinding your teeth in your sleep and feel stressed, counseling can help to address the underlying emotional causes.