Antifungal Remedies
Getting Rid of Athlete's Foot
For many fungus-causing skin conditions, the QuickCare site says that symptoms may be as common as itching, flaking and redness or as dangerous as thickened, calloused, peeling skin. Athlete's foot is the most common of all skin fungal diseases. In fact, 75 percent of Americans will have athlete's foot at some point in their lives. Symptoms include skin becoming white, moist, and easily rubbed off towards the third, fourth and fifth toes. Toes become red, dry and flaky and you will most likely suffer from some intense itching and burning. A pungent smell may also emanate from the foot.
According to Home Remedies for You, the best remedy for this common form of fungus is to prepare a solution of one part of white vinegar to four parts of water and to soak the feet for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day. Afterward, apply baking soda between the toes and rinse the feet after 15 minutes. Soaking them in Listerine is also effective in killing the fungus.
Onions Are Best for Losing That Dandruff
Dandruff is another very common form of fungus that is easily treatable with the right kinds of remedies. Chopping an onion and rubbing the bare part of it on your scalp can help to control the spread of fungus and kill whatever is already there. Let the onion stay on the scalp for 20 minutes before washing out. Whatever you do, avoid scratching your skull, as irritating it may lead to more dandruff.
Something a little more complex that has been proven to help is mixing henna powder, black tea, and one spoonful each of lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil and Fenugreek powder. Mix in some egg white and keep the mixture sitting all night, applying on the hair and scalp thoroughly the next day.