Treatments for Alcoholics With Nutrients & Amino Acids
Amino Acids for Alcoholics, Part 1
Protein is often lacking in alcoholics and it is recommended that you improve your protein intake or take an amino acid supplement immediately to improve your body's health. It is recommended to continue this concentration on protein or supplementation for several months to help the body get back into sync. The amino acid L-Gluatmine can help to restore levels of Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) to the body, as GABA is the source of fuel for the entire brain. When there is a lack of L-Glutamine the symptoms include hypoglycemia, mood swings and stress, and the proper amount can lead to normal blood sugar and mood levels, plus a natural resistance to stress and cravings. GABA itself can also be found in amino acid supplements and protein sources. GABA can help to promote relaxation and calmness. These two amino acids when combined with a B-complex vitamin and kudzu vine extracts can help with strong withdrawal and craving symptoms.
Amino Acids, Part 2
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that can be used in the detoxification process when combined with herbs like milk thistle, and the phospholipid phosphatidylcholine. D-phenylalanine can help with the restoration of endorphins in the brain and can limit craving, mild depression and improve energy and focus. L-Phenylalanine improves the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain and has been used to help many different addictions including alcohol. This amino acid is also helpful for improving depression, craving and mental focus. L-Tryptophan improves serotonin levels and when it's lacking it can lead to low self esteem, irritability, sleep problems and rage. As it is reintroduced into the system, it can improve appetite, mood and sleep disorders. Not only do these amino acids help with regulating hormone levels, but they will also act on building up lost muscle and attempting to regenerate the liver.
Vitamins and Herbs
There is a great nutrient deficiency in many alcoholics and it can be remedied by a large course of vitamins and herbs. Vitamin C, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids like gamma-linolenic acid are important as they help in the recovery process and can improve health that has been weakened by the alcohol. Since many alcoholics suffer from low glucose via hypoglycemia, the important mineral chromium will help to right that level and decrease fatigue. During the withdrawal stage it is important to consume nutritional liquids since appetite may be low. Some examples are fruit and vegetable juices, healthy low-sodium soups and herbal teas that contain skullcap, chamomile and valerian root. Liver function problems may require you to supplement vitamins processed in the in the liver like vitamins A, D, E and K. Detoxification herbs like ginseng, cayenne, peppermint, milk thistle and the amino acid L-cysteine can help to clean toxins out of your system.