Natural Joint Pain Relief
Turmeric and Angelica Herb
Turmeric's curcumin content helps reduce inflammation, while angelica has many pain-relief, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Between 400 and 600 milligrams of curcumin daily can effectively reduce your joint pain. Angelica is most potent when you drink it after boiling one tablespoon of the cut roots of the herb in one pint of water for two minutes and then cool and strain it. Drinking half of this twice a day for two weeks will show results.
Celery and Black Cohosh
Apart from being mineral-rich, especially in potassium, celery has more than 20 anti-inflammation ingredients. Take one teaspoon of celery seeds and add it to boiling water. Let cool for fifteen minutes. Drink the strained concoction three times a day for immediate joint pain relief.
Another natural remedy is black cohosh. The roots of this plant have an aspirin-like ingredient, along with components that aid reduction of inflammation and muscular spasms. Prepare a tea in the same way, letting it cool for 20 minutes before straining. Drink it two times daily for a couple of weeks for pain reduction.
Epsom Salt and Ginseng Liquor
The magnesium in Epsom salts has properties that aid reduction of inflammation and arthritis and is easy to absorb. Mix two cups of Epsom salts in a bathtub of water as hot as you can tolerate. Soak in it for half an hour, maintaining the temperature with extra hot water when required. Doing this on a daily basis will provide joint pain relief. The herb ginseng aids the body in reducing stress-related pain, too. Three and a half ounces of ginseng soaked for a month and a half in any liquor, for example, vodka, makes a potent joint pain remedy. Have an ounce of this mixture before bedtime for effective relief.
Cayenne Pepper and Rosemary
The capsaicin component of cayenne pepper stimulates the body to give out endorphins, which help ease joint aches. Mix an ounce of cayenne pepper with a quart of rubbing alcohol. You can keep this for up to three weeks with mild shaking of the bottle in between uses. Dab a cloth or cotton in this mixture and rub it on the painful joints for 15 minutes for relief.
Another natural remedy comes in the form of rosemary leaves, which have four anti-inflammatory substances. These provide effects similar to steroids and aspirin and are great antioxidants for pain reduction. Add half an ounce of rosemary leaves to one quart of boiling water and let it cool. Drain the resultant concoction and have a cup before bedtime and prior to breakfast for a couple of weeks for joint pain relief.
General Measures
Warm baths, alternate hot and cold compresses and massages with olive oil or hot vinegar or camphor paste before bedtime will help reduce joint pain. You should also drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to keep your body clean, fit and flexible.