Natural Ways to Treat Adrenal Fatigue
Pregnenolone is a very important supplement for those who suffer from adrenal fatigue. Pregnenolone is labeled as a hormone but is really a compound from which other hormones are made. If you feel burnout, then you may be running low on such hormones and may need to try the pregnenolone supplement. It can help fight off allergies, produce more energy, and fight pain.
Rhodiola is an all natural herb to help boost your energy levels throughout the day. For best results, use in the morning before eating with warm water or tea.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important to fight off any illness or disease including adrenal fatigue. Vitamin C provides a decrease in inflammation as well as a reduction in histamine levels for allergy sufferer's. Build up your vitamin C levels to 8,000- to 12,000-milligrams per day.
Asian Ginseng
Asian ginseng is an excellent Chinese herb for the treatment of adrenal fatigue. There are many benefits to using Asian ginseng. It can help ease stress and it has been known to have a direct effect on the adrenal glands. Asian ginseng should not be mixed with stimulants.
Licorice Extract
Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is produced by the adrenal glands. By acting just like the hormone Cortisol, licorice extract can help treat adrenal fatigue.
Exercise and Nutrition
Good exercise and nutrition are important for the treatment of adrenal fatigue. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals are a good way to treat the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. A high potency multi-vitamin and a B-complex vitamin can help ease exhaustion. Foods such as green vegetables, whole grains, and berries are good foods to eat to get the vitamins and minerals a person suffering from adrenal fatigue needs.