Vitamins for Skin Health
Vitamins to Aid Complexion
Vitamin C, used as a cream, can help your body make more collagen, but its ingredients must include L-ascorbic acid so that it can get through the layers of your skin and aid your skin in the best way possible. To help your skin overall, it is recommended that you take 500 to 1000 mg of Vitamin C every day.
Vitamin E can help your skin have a smooth quality and it can help with those wrinkles that sneak up on you as you age. It's best to take 400 international units every day. Vitamin E can also help patches of skin that are dry and irritating.
Vitamin A is needed for your body to keep your skin moist and keep it from getting dried out. Vitamin A helps your body tissue to keep itself in good health and fix itself when needed. Vitamin A is more readily found in certain foods you eat. It can also be used topically as a cream, which has been found to help fight acne and to work against wrinkles and age spots, as well as help with psoriasis. If your doctor prescribes this for you, it will be called Retin-A.
Vitamin B Complex, more importantly biotin, is another vitamin that aids skin. Biotin actually makes up most of the cells in skin, hair, and nails. You need this nutrient in your body to help prevent rough, dry patches of skin and even hair loss. You can get creams that have Vitamin B Complex, and they really help you to maintain that healthy skin tone and youthful appearance.
You can find Vitamin K in certain creams, and it can really be helpful to downplay the appearance of those circles under your eyes and also help with bruising you may have.
Vitamins that Protect
Vitamin C has been found to help reduce the problems you might encounter from being exposed to sunlight, such as wrinkles and age spots. It helps to fight the destructive effects of free radicals, which you gain when exposed to the sun.
Vitamin E also helps to reduce damage done by the sun. Vitamin E can work to prevent skin cancer. Vitamin E oil should be used as soon as possible after being exposed to the sun.
Nutrition and Vitamins
When it comes to Vitamin C, you can get this through eating citrus fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oil that is polyunsaturated, in dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, and in sunflower seeds and wheat germ.
Vitamin A can be found in fruits and vegetables.
Biotin, which is a component of Vitamin B Complex, can be found in foods like eggs, bananas and oatmeal. You can also eat rice and attain this wonderful nutrient.
Vitamin K is especially found in dark green vegetables, as well as other vegetables such as cabbage and celery. It can also be found in eggs, plums and prunes.
Of course, before taking or using any supplement, you should talk with your doctor, as some vitamins can interact with other medications or treatments you may be receiving. Also, if not monitored, some vitamins can become dangerous to your health.