Natural Cures for Underactive Thyroids
Increasing the iodine intake can help the malfunctioning thyroid gland if it is caused by low iodine levels. An easy way to supplement iodine without adding salt to food is to take a kelp supplement. Kelp is a seaweed that is naturally high in iodine and about 225 mcg per day should be enough to repair problems caused by hypothyroidism. Seaweed, seafood, yogurt, meat and potatoes are a few foods that naturally produce iodine when eaten. Go to a doctor for diagnosis before using iodine supplements because too much iodine can cause an underactive thyroid if one does not exist already.
Bladderwrack is another form of seaweed that can be added to the diet or taken as a supplement. It is high in iodine but also contains potassium, calcium, iron and zinc. Bladderwrack is believed to naturally increase the metabolism by accelerating the functions of the thyroid. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) recommends taking 600 mg of bladderwrack three times per day to maintain thyroid health when diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. Once again, only begin taking a bladderwrack supplement when diagnosed with hypothyroidism related to iodine deficiency. Also, discuss the supplement amounts with a physician after diagnosis.
Sometimes when a person has hypothyroidism, it is because he has low levels of selenium. Selenium helps to regulate the functions of the thyroid. Selenium supplements should not be taken without consulting a doctor. A doctor needs to run tests to be sure that a selenium deficiency is causing hypothyroidism. According to UMMC, in studies too much selenium (about 200 mcg) over a long time period can cause an increased chance of developing diabetes. According to UMMC, adults over 15 years should only take a maximum of 55 mcg per day.