Muscle Testing Techniques
Self-Testing Techniques
Before performing a muscle test on yourself or having one performed on you, make sure that you are not hungry or thirsty. A muscle test will not give accurate results if you are dehydrated.
One way to perform a muscle test on yourself is to begin by touching the thumb to the middle finger on each hand to form a ring. Now link the two rings together.
Say something true, such as "My name is (give your name)." At the same time, pull the interlaced fingers as if you are trying to separate them. You may find that they are not easily separated. Next, repeat the process except say something untrue. This time, you may find that the fingers come flying apart. This is a process of training the mind to create a different response for truth and falsehoods.
Now that your subconscious mind has a way to physically communicate, try testing different foods and substances to judge your body's reaction to them. For instance, place a substance into your pocket or under your arm which you want tested. Perform the test and ask the body if what you are holding is what it needs.
Another way to test yourself is to hold the herb, vitamin or food in both hands. Stand up straight. If you begin to lose balance and fall backward, it is not something that is good for your body. If you begin to lean forward, what you are holding is a good choice.
How to Muscle Test Another Person
The person being tested should begin by standing straight and tall. With one arm, she should be holding the herb, vitamin or food. The other arm should be extended straight out to the side, with the palm facing down. The person performing the test should push down on the arm with one of her hands, and her other hand should be placed firmly upon the shoulder of the person being tested to help her keep her balance.
If what she is holding with her opposite arm is good for her body or is what her body needs, the extended arm will remain strong and will not easily be pushed down. However, if what she is holding is not good for her body, the extended arm will become very weak and will easily be pushed down when pressure is applied by the other person. This method can also be used to test the body's responses to thoughts, sounds, colors and emotions.