Cures for Intestinal Worms
Coconut is one of the oldest known remedies for fighting and removing intestinal parasites. Grind some coconut, and take one tablespoon full of it with breakfast. Follow this with not more than 60 ml and not less than 30 ml of castor oil mixed with some tepid water, three hours post breakfast. This remedy should be continued till about a fortnight after the symptoms of worm infection have subsided.
Garlic, in both fresh and oil forms, can expel worms.
Try the old method of placing a fresh garlic clove in each of your shoes. Walking with your shoes on will crush the cloves, releasing garlic oil. This oil has very high penetrating power. It seeps through the skin of your feet and travels upwards through the blood stream to your intestine where it kills the worms.
For people who do not mind chewing raw garlic, chewing a few cloves in the morning will help too.
Carrots are known to expel threadworms. Eating a small cup of grated carrots for breakfast, and on an empty stomach, is reported to expel these worms quickly.
Unripe papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain in its white juice. This is known to be a strong fighter against roundworms. A mixture of a tablespoon of fresh unripe papaya juice and honey in hot water, followed a couple of hours later by a castor oil and tepid milk mixture, reportedly eradicates roundworms within days. The dosage of this remedy needs to be regulated according to the age of the patient.
The caricin in papaya seeds and carpaine in papaya leaves are also effective in removing intestinal roundworms. Powder the seeds and take one teaspoon full of the same with one cup of milk or water every morning before breakfast, or take a mixture of dry papaya leaves and boiling water with honey for curing intestinal worms.
The alkaloid punicine present, in the bark of the stem and root of the pomegranate tree, can kill parasitic worms in the intestines. A cool mixture of the fresh bark, taken three times with one hour gaps along with purgatives, is helpful in eradicating worms.
Ripe pumpkin seeds help to expel intestinal worms. Take a mixture of a tablespoon of peeled and crushed seeds and boiling water.
For better results, do not eat anything for one day, and clear the intestines by drinking the juice of boiled dry prunes. On the next day, complete the therapy with three or four glasses of the pumpkin seed and boiling water concoction.
General Diet
Having plenty of fresh fruits and raw vegetables, along with avoiding fatty food substances like oils, certain meats and dairy products, can help to alleviate the symptoms of intestinal worm infections.