Naturopathy Nutrition
All life forms have energy. Within individuals, each organ and body system has its own unique bio-energetic field. Balanced nutritional formulas can supply energy frequencies and nutrients.
Vitamins and minerals supply the necessary nutritional building blocks the body might be lacking. No nutritional formula can heal or cure, but it can strengthen and adjust the body's defense mechanism.
Recommended dietary allowance established by the National Research Council's Food and Nutrition Board is the recognized yardstick for nutritional needs. Nutritional naturopathy believes each person is different; therefore, a customized nutritional plan is designed for the specific needs of a person.
The best approach to holistic nutrition is to consult with a qualified doctor of nutritional naturopathy or a holistic nutritionist. A list of board certified nutritionist is at the American Association of Nutritional Consultants.
Food choices should be mostly fresh fruit and vegetables in season. The longer food is stored, the greater the nutrient loss. Cooking can destroy vitamins, minerals, enzymes and protein. When you cook, use low temperatures and for the shortest time, creating an easier digested in the body. If you do not have time for fresh, the second choice is frozen. Nutritional levels in frozen foods are higher than canned or boxed.