Natural Help for Shingles Rash
Cayenne peppers, pineapples and papayas are important foods for fighting the effects of shingles, but the main effect of these foods may be the products that are created from them. Capsaicin cream, a topical pain reliever, uses cayenne peppers as its main active ingredient. The cream is used for the reduction of pain, though it may take several weeks of intense burning for the effect to be felt. Exercise extreme caution when using the pepper or the cream, for these substances can be harmful to your eyes. Pineapples and papayas contain proteolytic enzymes, which have been found to rival antiviral medication in their healing of shingles symptoms. The supplements derived from the two fruits, bromelain and papain, have a higher concentration of the enzymes. As with any supplement, consult your doctor to ensure it does not react poorly with any medications you are taking.
Exercises and Treatments
As shingles can often be brought on by stress, stress-calming exercises have been found to aid in the healing process. In a study using Tai Chi, a 15-week program helped build up more anti-viral immunity than a control group that did nothing. Yoga has repeatedly been shown to lower stress and the treatment of shingles may be a good outlet for that release. Also, because there is such a large amount of yoga classes being offered around the country, it might be time to start. Acupuncture may also help the process as a stress and pain reliever.
Topical Salves
There are a huge amount of natural salves that will help with the irritation caused by shingles. For pain relief, apple cider vinegar can be applied straight out of the bottle. The vinegar will initially burn but it will be followed by an ease in the original pain. Jewelweed, peppermint oil and geranium oil are great for applying in the nighttime right before bed to help soothe the pain overnight. Using a mixture of oatmeal and water helps stop the itching and burning, much like the sister virus of chickenpox. Lastly, a simple cold compress with water will temporarily relieve some of the pain as well.