Natural Ways to Cure Hypertension
Many people are using garlic and garlic supplements to treat their hypertension. It has been proven that the frequent use of garlic will lower blood pressure (Silagy & Neil, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Oxford, 1994). How much garlic is necessary to accomplish this varies from person to person but it is normally two to three cloves per day or the equivalent. The covert element in garlic is allicin. Allicin calms down the blood vessels after they are exposed to high pressure.
The herb Hawthorne is also known for lowering blood pressure, especially the diastolic number.This is the bottom number of your blood pressure reading and measures your heart when it is resting. It is suggested to take 900 mg daily. Hawthorne opens arteries and perks up coronary blood flow which lowers the blood pressure.
Fish oil
There are properties in fish oil that also lower blood pressure naturally. Fish oil is actually the preferred choice for treating hypertension. It is suggested that a well balanced diet that is made up of oily fish be consumed twice per week. Fish oil supplements can also be used.
Folic acid
Folic acid cuts homocysteine levels in the body which results in reduced blood pressure. It is suggested that 400 micrograms be taken on a daily basis which has been helpful in lowering blood pressure, according to Natural Reduction of High Blood Pressure.
Balanced diet
Ayurvedic Cure states that a good balance of sodium, magnesium and potassium is crucial to maintain blood pressure levels. Excessive consumption of salt must be avoided. An increase of fruits and vegetables is necessary especially those that are high in potassium. Foods that are rich in magnesium should be part of the diet to lower blood pressure. These include rice, bananas, beans, nuts, soy and wheat.
Lifestyle changes
Other natural ways to lower blood pressure include changing your everyday life. This includes quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. A daily regimen of exercise should also be included, according to Ayurvedic Cure.