Naturopathic Remedies for Liver Cancer
Beneficial Herbs
Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned dosages based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal effect to the largest dose safe for consumption. Herbal remedies are generally nontoxic, and serious complications or overdose are unlikely. However, stick to suggested amounts; taking more is unlikely to produce additional benefit and can cause negative side effects.
Astragalus capsules stimulate immune system cells that attack tumors. Take 500 to 1,000 mg three times per day. Barberry, coptis, goldenseal, or Oregon grape root contains berberine, which halts multiplication of liver cancer cells. Take 500 mg of any of these herbs daily. Lentinan inhibits the growth of liver tumors. This can only be given through injection by a healthcare professional. Reishi helps stop progression of liver cancer cells. Take three grams in tablet form daily. Scutellaria causes death of liver cancer cells and can reduce chemotherapy induced immune system damage. Take one to two grams three times daily.
Essiac tea is a very popular natural remedy that consists of a number of herbs that are purported to stop tumors from developing their own blood supply and stimulate production of white blood cells. However, scientific studies have shown mixed results of its effectiveness. It might or might not help, but it will probably not hurt if consumed. There are a lot of anecdotal reports that it reduces the side effects of chemotherapy. Major Bupleurum Decoction is a traditional Chinese formula that is often used on patients with liver cancer to control symptoms. Minor Bupleurum Decoction controls progression of the disease. It is also effective in keeping hepatitis from turning into liver cancer.
Precautions for Herbal Treatments
Do not use astragalus if you have fever or a skin infection. Avoid barberry, coptis, goldenseal or Oregon grape root if pregnant or have gallbladder disease. Do not use scutelleria when experiencing diarrhea. Avoid the above Chinese formulas if you have fever.
Consume safflower and perilla oils in salads and when cooking. They are rich in polyunsaturated omega 6 fatty acids that suppress liver cancer. A study published in Nutrition and Cancer in 1998 found that foods rich in the amino acid arginine can prevent the growth of liver tumors. Foods rich in this amino acid are chocolate, coconut, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds.
Ways to Reduce Risk of Liver Cancer
If you have a chronic liver disease and develop itching all over your body, be sure to see a doctor to get a alpha-fetoprotein test. This itching could be the result of bile salts gathering near the surface of the skin and can be an indication of early stage liver cancer. Taking 150 mg of selenium daily on a regular basis will lower the risk of developing liver cancer. A Chinese study published in Biological Trace Elements in 1997 followed 100,000 people and found a 35 percent reduction in liver cancer cases over eight years. When the supplements were stopped, the rate of cancer began to rise again. For people infected with hepatitis B, smoking, drinking and low levels of vitamin A can increase risk of developing this cancer. There are vaccinations against this form of hepatitis. Avoid getting hepatitis C by limiting alcohol and exposure to toxins. Avoid medications that cause liver damage if possible. Always practice safe sex, avoid IV drug use and be cautious about getting tattoos and body piercings.